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Developing leaders to lead the Church at a higher capacity.


The purpose of LVLUP is to develop leaders and along the way identify those who are ready to lead the church at a higher capacity. The success or failure of any organization depends on the quality of leadership it has. In the same breath, we know that the effectiveness of any church can be traced back to the ability of the elders and leadership of the church. This is the importance of prioritizing leadership development. Whether you work for a church, in corporate America, or the private sector, the need for quality leadership is crucial to the effectiveness and longevity of the organization.


 LVLUP is our approach to intentionally build, develop, and release leaders into a world of innovation, curiosity and more importantly, high level leadership that guides the Church as it carries out the purposes of God.


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If you're not serving on a team, that's your next step! One of our values is serving is how we lead - we believe if serving is below us is then leadership is beyond us. 

If you're interested in joining our leadership development program, contact your ministry leader for next steps and have them nominitate you by filling out form below.

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