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As we continue to trust God through these uncertain days, the mission of Christ Fellowship remains the help you follow Jesus. Our regathering phases are designed to empower our families and you to choose the best engaging environments to help you thrive, not only spiritually, but also physically during this pandemic.

Pastor Omar will give another update towards the end of September on the status of Phase 2 and 3.

We are hopeful to implement phases 2 and 3 as planned or even sooner!

The leadership of Christ Fellowship have prayerfully and scripturally developed the regathering strategy as well as sought the wisdom of other church leaders locally and nationally. Our goal in this process is to expand our environments of engagement. This process incorporates the recommendations of the CDC and acknowledges the unfortunate politicization of this virus by some. Here are the principles that have guided our decision making. 


Respect Authority

We believe the local authorities are striving to make decisions and provide guidelines for the health of our communities and not infringing on our right to worship. Therefore we are following the biblical commands to honor and submit to those in authority who are appointed by God for our wellbeing. 

(1 Peter 2:13-15, Romans 13:2-7, Titus 3:1-2).


Protect Our Flock

We are willing to put aside our preferences and constitutional rights out of concern for the most vulnerable among us. (Phil 2:3-4). There have been many in our own congregation who have been infected with the virus and some have even lost loved ones due to COVID-19. We are grieving with many in our church family during these difficult times. This is why we are following the recommendations to wear facemasks and practice physical distancing when we gather. 


Love Our Neighbor

For over a hundred years the heartbeat of Christ Fellowship has been to help people follow Jesus (Matthew 28:18-19). As followers of Jesus we are called to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” (Mark 12:31) People who have often wanted nothing to do with church are looking to us now. We want our witness to exemplify the humble, sacrificial love of Christ; ways that place the lives and the interests of others above ourselves and show value and care for the weak, vulnerable and fearful in our society. We want to be good neighbors and a good witness to the people of Miami.



Though our physical campuses have been closed, Christ Fellowship has not been closed. Since the start of the outbreak, Christ Fellowship has been committed to serving our church and our communities like never before. We have been able to be the hands and feet of Jesus during such a critical moment in our nation’s history. Jesus is still building His Church (Matthew 16:17-19) and the gates of hell or a pandemic will not prevail against it! 

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